So, assuming you plan on installing all base game implants (for SPECIAL at least) and are doing all the DLC: 8 6 6 4 4 8 4 gives you a nice well-rounded soldier type. And, of course, you can chuck as many points as you like into Charisma and Luck if you don't want them absolutely bottomed out. You could push Strength up to 8 if you wanted to upgrade to more of a front-line tank role and use the LMG or Bozar. 30 in total, so you can chuck another ten points in there. Agility of at least 7 will make VATS-boosting Perks available if you plan to use it a lot. Intelligence 4 will still get you decent skill-boosting Perks. Charisma won't really be necessary for this build - you could go as low as you like. Fighting at mid-range, you might soak up some hits, so at least 6 Endurance won't hurt. Perception 6 will get you the Sniper perk - always useful. So, a Grunt build, focusing on semi-automatics for reliable DPS rather than crits or stealth? Well, Strength 5 should be plenty - enough for all the rifles and carbines affected by Grunt, plus the grenade launcher.